With the theme of “Stop Human Trafficking” we broke the record for the longest marathon playing futsal with a duration of 60 hours which took place on 26-29 April 2024 at Gymnasium UPI.

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Welcome Home Bu Asih

September 16, 2021

Life After Prison: Women’s Journey to a Free and Safe Future

Asih from Bandung Detention Center has finally completed her prison term and she is ready for a new life #SECONDCHANCE. Many things shaped Asih during the process. Her family is one of the support systems for Asih to improve life today.

We believe that Asih has the right to build and regain her dream. A woman’s sense of worth cannot be determined based on her loss, or the mistakes she made. The sense of a decent life is a part of women. No one has the right to take or change it.

Journaling #SharEmotion while in detention helped Asih to know herself better. She has become a more confident person and has a passion for a better life. Pray for her and her family.

“We are still humans, we are still the same. They have a long road ahead, but we believe they can fulfill their hopes if they work hard on it, we are just a bridge for them to transition and can be transformed for a better future” – Free and Safe Team

There are many women like her that we can help together because doing nothing is not an option! cheers for a better generation!


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