With the theme of “Stop Human Trafficking” we broke the record for the longest marathon playing futsal with a duration of 60 hours which took place on 26-29 April 2024 at Gymnasium UPI.

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Providing the second chance that we all deserve.

From the imprisoned, to the impoverished. At Free and Safe we fight for the people who need it most. We give them what they need to bring them where they want to be.

And we need your help. 




Free and Safe Indonesia Attempts to Break GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS for The Longest Marathon Playing Futsal with "Stop Human Trafficking" Theme On April 26-29, 2024, at the Gymnasium UPI, Free and Safe Indonesia attempted to break the GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS for the...

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Feri’s Semester Break

Feri’s Semester Break

Feri's semester break is used to go to Central Java and help his mother who lives there to sell Gudeg. They also open a delivery service for their Gudeg. Not to forget they also spent time having dinner together after work while talking about each other's life updates...

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Kids Class with A Group from America!

Kids Class with A Group from America!

We had a group from America consisting of 5 members and a native volunteer. We invite them to visit and take part in some of the programs we run at FSI. One of them, they visited the Kids class at the Center of Hope and saw learning activities there for elementary...

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Transforming youth and

women at risk, to become

self-sufficient and

moral citizens.

To provide a safe home for

at-risk-youth and women,

to experience love, hope, and freedom while empowering them with education and

life skills for a better future.

Transition Home Program

Coming from prison or from broken homes, our students need a place to go. Our Transition Home is that place. It’s where they are safe, has a structured life, and get a chance to get back on their feet.


Business for Transformation

Create jobs and provide dignified work for poor or marginalized communities. Giving priority to boys and women who are coming outside the prisons that FSI has programs running. Profitably introduce essential goods or services into an impoverished community. 

Women’s Program

Free and Safe Women is for everyone! We have a strong desire to empower women to feel safe, to share, to grow, and make the changes we know they can. We want to help guide them on this journey as they navigate through this challenging time.


Kids’ Program

A second chance at a better life wouldn’t be completed without the possibility of a better education.

At first, we started with teaching them English and now as we keep growing, we are able to provide them with academic and non-academic education such as mathematics, drawing, dancing, crafts, and more.

Take a peek at our

Kids’ Program!

We started with around 20 to 30 kids in a garage and now, we have our own building for kids program with more than 100 kids registered and the number keeps growing.

Feel free to join volunteers and help us with our amazing kids program as the number of kids in our program will keep growing!

Support our work

by making a donation.

Every bit helps.

Everything you give is a pleasure to receive

Give with a loving heart and see how your help reaches people and changes their hearts.
You are standing at the beginning of something amazing and with your donations, it can become greater still. We have the desire to branch out our life-changing work to cities across Indonesia.

Current Program

Currently, our foundation is operating in Bandung, Indonesia, a city with a population of 2.5 million people and has just started operating in Bali, Indonesia.

In Bandung we run the Transition House with a team of 8 people, including many volunteers.

Donate to keep this program running.

Growing bigger

The Free and Safe model is a great way to reach the underserved in Indonesia.

We are based in Bandung, and are currently developing programs in Bali but would like to continue expanding to other places such as Medan and Jogjakarta. That way we can help more people.

Our partners

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Free and Safe Indonesia