Free and Safe
All Program
Hard at work to give better lives to boys, kids, women and other people in need and who eagerly desire new chance.
Transition Home Program
Providing a second chance that we all deserve. We believe this young generation needs a safe place to grow and learn. They will stay at the transition home and join all programs that we have in order to make them independent and find their own way to grow and be successful in the future. We all can be a part of their transformation, by joining and volunteering in our programs and seeing how much they are growing.
For all the boys who join our programs, we motivate them and support them to finish minimum education until High-School, however; thanks to the partnership with local universities, we have been able to provide University education to some of our boys. Our hope is that we can provide higher education to more.
Everyone desires to become a little bit better today than they were yesterday, but to do so is a hard thing. By coaching our kids we give them the tools to keep improving and reach the goals they set for themselves. Which, more often than not, is — of course — to become a professional football player. However, we give them some alternatives as well.
Mentoring = One on One
Whether our boys come from at-risk backgrounds, or have already been in prison — we feel it’s important we give them someone to talk to. A trusted friend when they need him, but also someone who helps to move on.
Life Skills
For all the boys who join our programs, we motivate them and support them to finish minimum education until High-School, however; thanks to the partnership with local universities, we have been able to provide University education to some of our boys. Our hope is that we can provide higher education to more.

Kids and Teens Program
We provide various classes for kids and teens to support their education and help them discover their interests and talents. Since December 2022, more students keep coming to our class, especially English class.
On January 2023, new kids came and we have almost 100 students! Most of them are from Junior Level (Grade 1-6), we have around 50 kids.
Project-based Learning
The exercises in this section will be implemented in English classes. It is a novel approach to education. Students won’t stick around studying English in the classroom. Instead, kids will climb the tree, play and run about on the playground, tour a house, grow vegetables, bake a cake, and do an environmental study. In order to effectively utilize their tools in class, students must bring their simple tools to apply the lesson. After class, they will contribute a simple but brief report on what they perceive, experience, and engage with. The topics will be regularly selected, based on the student’s original ideas or a collection of our literature. Additionally, these activities will link them to the existing Friday Creative programs we provide.
Pre-Professional Class
Providing post-secondary students with a pre-professional education to help them enter the workforce. This phase is critical in preparing their professional abilities for suitable employment. The session includes practical items such as creating a CV, and resume, using MS Office, designing by Canva, presentation, and public speaking. Those exercises will most likely be implemented in the English class.
Gardening Project
Free and Safe Kids Department collaborated with Qutubuqu, a literacy platform start-up, to supply books for our students in order to broaden their perspective and understanding of children and public literacy in addition to English, Science, literature, math, and other subjects are covered under the books category. Our kids, on the other hand, were less interested in books. This might be an excellent opportunity to teach kids science and new English vocabulary through project-based learning in the form of gardening.
Parents Connect
We are aware that attending our English and Creative sessions for just two hours will not provide our children with a comprehensive education or foster a positive relationship with their parents. The Parents Connect program connects parents with their children, our pupils, by providing information, knowledge, and practical everyday issues. Last Year we held a session about sex education for kids and parents to foster communication. Now, we are still working through this year’s topics (2023) to find one that suits the best to their needs.

Women Program
Free and Safe Women is for everyone! We have a strong desire to empower women to feel safe, to share, to grow, and make the changes we know they can. We want to help guide them on this journey as they navigate through this challenging time. They need our support and our love to have the courage to change. We can make a difference in their personal journeys. Each step is a step closer to change. Help us make a difference. Help us be the change we need to see in this world. Help us, help them.
Ceramic Class
We provide Ceramic Class for Women who joined FSI Women Community. We teach them some basic techniques like hand-building and how to use pottery wheel. The result of each woman’s ceramic will be sold on the market place.
Hydroponic class
To teach how to grow vegetable without soil and plant them at home. By providing education about hydroponic, they could grow and sell the harvest to increase their income.
English Class
English classes for women to provide English language skills which can also help open up their career opportunities
Women's Jail
We visit the Women’s Jail every week and organize light, useful and fun activities to bring a positive atmosphere to the Women’s Jail. We want them to have hope and desire to move forward in their personal lives.
The program we run is in the form of classes. There are volleyball and futsal classes, and English classes which are usually delivered with a variety of exciting activities.

Business for Transformation Program
Create jobs and provide dignified work for poor or marginalized communities. Giving priority to boys and women who are released from prisons through programs that FSI has.
Profitably introduce essential goods or services into an impoverished community.
Cooking Training
We provide cooking training for those who want to hone their cooking skills to open up greater job opportunities
Pottery Training
We provide pottery training, especially for women who have talent or interest in art field. Where the results of the ceramics can be sold to the marketplace.

Program Requirements
Further details
If you are interested in the further details of our program we ask you to get in touch with us, so we can see how we can help you.