On April 2021, we are starting to reach out to young people who needs special guidance for character development and ways of encouraging one another in a positive way. Together we learn to be better individuals for ourselves, our families, as well as the community around us.
This month, we have 2 new teenage girls who are joining us in our teenager class. They are teenagers who used to be singing on the streets of Bandung, their voices are good and they have high self-confidence. They are also cheerful.
They come to our teenagers’ classes to learn to support each other by getting used to saying positive words for the first time. We plan to start the teenager class by singing one or two songs as the opening class so that the children can express their feelings or build a sense of togetherness even more.
Every child in the teenagers class is from 13 to 18 years old and have stories from their past and are from different backgrounds. One of our teenagers recently became a father, as his wife just gave birth last month. Due to the ongoing pandemic, we postponed the visit to the new born baby until the pandemic in Bandung had started to get better.
If you want to know more about the teenager class, contact us now!