With the theme of “Stop Human Trafficking” we broke the record for the longest marathon playing futsal with a duration of 60 hours which took place on 26-29 April 2024 at Gymnasium UPI.

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The Mailbox

November 03, 2020
The Mailbox!!

Shout out to our creative volunteers who have been teaching the girls for more than a month. Besides having English class, fun dancing class, and singing class, among others, the kids recently made a mailbox for the class. Every meeting our volunteers as well as FSI’s staff write encouraging words with lots of love for each girl so they will feel loved and gain confidence.

This creative class is not only for studying or practicing something, it is so the kids feel that we are here for them, we care, and we can be someone they feel comfortable with. The girls check their mailbox every time they arrive to class; sometimes they even check and read their friends’ letters! They looooove reading their letters.

We believe every child deserves to be happy and receive encouragement from the community around them. 😍💌📮

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By Free and Safe Indonesia

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