Today Free and Safe Indonesia was invited to attend the Gathering Partners and the Strengthening of Class 2A Women’s Prison Guardians in Bandung.
This event was to express gratitude for the cooperation of foundations or other organizations that help, foster and become friends for women in prison. The head of the Woman’s Prison also provided information aimed at how we can help women to have healthy activities and provide support for them physically and spiritually. “They really need people who have the heart to help women in prison, how to prevent them from becoming bored; the existence of foundations and other organizations that are partners in prison is something to be very grateful for,” said the Head of the Women’s Prison today.
During the event, several women performed traditional dances, a zumba dance, and singing. They had practiced for weeks and weeks to perform on this day.
We are very happy to see how open and appreciative the Women’s Prison is to us now so that we can help them even more.
If you want to help them in our projects and know further information, please let us know 🙂