Kami Menang!

November 09, 2021

Selamat untuk anak kami, Deden. Ia dan timnya berhasil meraih juara di Divisi Utama FJL Jawa Barat U-13. Mereka berkompetisi di Purwakarta dan memenangkan liga 🏆⚽️

Kami sangat bangga kepadamu! Teruslah berjuang dan semangat.

#freeandsafeindonesia #freeandsafeindonesiafoundation#homeofhopeandfuture #congratulations #fjljawabarat#sepakbolaindonesia


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Program Kurikulum Baru

New curriculum for English Class and Creative Class   A few days ago, together with our English teacher volunteers, we planned a new English curriculum program for children in need. Today we are holding a zoom meeting about when is the perfect time to start this...

Update! SharEmotion Movement 2023

*This is a news update for our previous news "SharEmotion Journal" We sincerely thank you for being a part of our #sharEmotion Movement! 💖 We have successfully sold 28 #sharEmotion journal packs per January 2023. - 15 packages of journals distributed to women in jail...

Kisah Penjara Wanita

Many imprisoned women are mothers and are usually the primary or sole provider for their children. When a mother is imprisoned, frequently the father does not continue to care for his children, resulting in large numbers of children being institutionalized. In a...

Center of Hope

Hope is a word that touches our hearts. There are so many women and children that end up wasting their lives because they feel that their future is hopeless. But we believe that is not true, because God always gives each of us a second chance which means there is...

Friendly Match – Futsal Kids Bali

Weeks ago, our U14 team played a friendly match with other team in Denpasar, Bali. Coincidentally, Jefri is part of the trainer team from Brave Bali where Brave Bali & FSI Bali work together to give training for the kids in Denpasar, ​​Bali. It was a fun...

Free and Safe: Pergerakan Wanita

Kami sudah mengenal wanita-wanita ini selama sekitar satu tahun, tetapi belum dapat melihat mereka cukup lama karena pandemi COVID-19… dan baru-baru ini KITA AKHIRNYA BERTEMU LAGI! Kami diundang untuk mengunjungi mereka yang sedang mempersiapkan Pekan Olahraga penjara. Itu menyenangkan — mereka ...

Mengucap Syukur

Para wanita ini ingin mengucapkan terima kasih atas Buku Jurnal SharEmotion mereka yang dapat mereka peroleh dengan dukungan Anda. Pembelian ANDA memungkinkan kami untuk berbagi cinta yang dapat bermanfaat bagi wanita untuk memiliki kepercayaan diri yang lebih baik, peningkatan produktivitas, dan kesehatan sosioemosional yang lebih baik ...

50 Sembako to support Bandung City Social Service

Last week we are involved to support Bandung City Social Service by donating 50 Sembako for nursing home, containing staple food items such as rice, cooking oil, granulated sugar, instant noodles, tea bags, and instant coffee. We hope that the people who receive these...

Sepatu Bola Baru

#ShoesProjectOur boys in the Juvenile Prison received 25 pairs of football shoes! Yay! We see how enthusiastic our boys in the prison are with our football practices, even the heavy rain or the hot sun does not stop them from continuing to practice football for two...

Kotak Surat

The Mailbox!! Shout out to our creative volunteers who have been teaching the girls for more than a month. Besides having English class, fun dancing class, and singing class, among others, the kids recently made a mailbox for the class. Every meeting our volunteers as...

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Free and Safe Indonesia