Free and Safe bekerja sama dengan Dinas Sosial dan Dinas Provinsi Jawa Barat. Free and Safe mengirimkan 165 pasang sepatu baru untuk dibagikan kepada masyarakat yang membutuhkan. Kami percaya bahwa dengan bekerja sama...
We are so happy to see Rikzar and Feri having fun in English Village Bandung learning the English language! 🤭 For more than one week they took classes, meet new people from different places, and introduced themselves to many people even though their main language...
Hope is a word that touches our hearts. There are so many women and children that end up wasting their lives because they feel that their future is hopeless. But we believe that is not true, because God always gives each of us a second chance which means there is...
Seeing how Deden running on the soccer field is one of the things that makes us so happy and proud. keep chasing your dreams, Deden. We always support...
Ada banyak alasan untuk mempelajari cara merenda atau merajut, tetapi salah satu hal yang mendorong banyak orang baru ke kerajinan adalah kenyataan bahwa ia menawarkan sejumlah manfaat kesehatan. Keunikan dari benang,keseruan dari jahitan crochet, kombinasi...
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