We wouldn’t be here without our partners & sponsors.

This is an ode to our partners & sponsors, who are helping us through thick and thin.

Some of them have stood by us from the very start, others are just joining now. We love them all.

Our Partners

Our Sponsors

Mitra-mitra kami.

Cek mitra-mitra kami yang telah membantu kami untuk menjadi lebih baik setiap harinya.

Bandung City Care

The people at Bandung City Care have a really stepped up and help us in every way possible. It’s always a treat when one of their members gets in touch with us and offers a helping hand.

Java Adventure CO

Java Adventure Company is a social entrepreneurship. We aren’t in business just to make money. Rather, we believe that business should provide benefit to the broader community, not just its owners and employees. Roger and Jessie the owner of Java Adventure also mentoring our boys and some of our staff. 

Bowlah! Ricebowl

Bowlah opened in 2022 and has a store in the Maranatha canteen (Eureka Foodcourt). They sell Chicken Ricebowl as the main menu. By buying Bowlah, you also contribute to helping Indonesian children in need because 100% of their profits are donated to help children’s education. They are also continuing to develop to open job vacancies for people who need work or additional income. 



Genta Satria

They are a social foundation located in Bali Indonesia, aiming to help and develop the community. They help provide education to the community, sports training and other social assistance.

KONI (National Sports Committee of Indonesia)

The National Sports Committee of Indonesia is the sports governing body of Indonesia. It was founded in 1946 to unite the various satellite sports associations that was created within the regions of Indonesia. KONI is responsible on sport development as well as organising sporting events within Indonesian national boundary on national level. It organizes the Pekan Olahraga Nasional (PON), multi-sport event held every four years where Indonesian athletes compete. It is the largest sporting event in Indonesia.


Provide comprehensive All-in-one solution management software for business.

Maranatha University 

Maranatha Christian University is a private university in Bandung, the largest metropolitan city and the capital city of West Java, Indonesia. Maranatha Christian University has produced more than 30,000 alumni that contribute in development sectors in Indonesia and abroad. This contribution is continuously supported by cooperation programs with other educational, governmental, and social institutions, as well as industrial organizations and cooperating partners from inside and outside the country.

Mexican Embassy in Indonesia

Mexican Embassy in Indonesia, Located in Jakarta.


Unbound Now was launched in 2012 when a group of ordinary people decided to protect the vulnerable, identify the exploited and provide restoration to the survivor. Since then, Unbound Now has grown into a multi-national network of offices, chapters and affiliates across the United States and around the world. Each Unbound Now location starts small, looking to meet the basic needs in the fight against human trafficking in its community.

Dinas Sosial

Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia (abbreviated as Kemensos, formerlyDepartment of Social Affairs) is a ministry that has the task of organizing and overseeing domestic affairs in Indonesia to assist the president in implementing state governance in the social sector.

Resolve Asia

Resolve Asia serves as a catalyst, dedicated to building bridges on mobilizing resources in the realm of sustainability. We stands at the intersection of sustainability, corporate responsibility, and non-profit development. We are committed to accelerating the positive impact of sustainability initiatives through comprehensive resource mobilization.


Caretaker is a provider of homecare nursing services that is available 24 hours a day.

Bandung Independent School

Bandung Independent School (BIS) has been serving the Bandung community since 1972. They are an IB (International Baccalaureate) World School, offering the Primary Years Programme (PYP ages 3-12), the Middle Years Programme (MYP ages 13-16), and the IB Diploma Programme (DP ages 17-18). It makes BIS the first and only school in Bandung to offer all three IB programmes.


BIS is also accredited by the Council of International School (CIS) and New England Association of School and Colleges (NEASC).


Rotary International is one of the largest service organizations in the world. The mission of Rotary, as stated on its website, is to “provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through [the] fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders”. It is a non-political and non-religious organization. Membership is by application or invitation and based on various social factors. There are over 46,000 member clubs worldwide, with a membership of 1.4 million individuals, known as Rotary members.

Our sponsors.

Cek mitra-mitra kami yang telah membantu kami untuk menjadi lebih baik setiap harinya.


Padimas is a huge bakery company in Indonesia that has so many flavor and variation for their cakes and bread. We are very grateful to our new donor, Padimas. Padimas gave us lots of bread for the boys at the Transition Home, women’s at the prisons, to our extracurricular girl’s class for their afternoon’s snack, and also to our boys inside the juvenile prison


Nivea is a German personal care brand that specializes in skin dan body care. It is owned by the Hamburg-based company Beiersdorf Global AG. This was the origin of Eucerinbrand. 

Human Greatness

Human Greatness is a local clothing brand from Indonesia that sells clothes, jackets, hoodies, and more. Human Greatness is our main sponsor for the GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS event in April 2024 that we are organizing and they are currently our sponsor.


Hilton is a five-star hotel in Bandung located in the city center, close to the train station and airport. Hilton has provided rooms for important guests who are coming to the GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS event in April 2024 that we are hosting.


Coconico is a canned coconut milk drink brand that is rich in nutrients and very convenient to take along during activities.

Java Chicken

Java Chicken is a chicken meat supplier that provides chicken for lunch at The Boys in Transition Home and help our Business for Transformation program, Bowlah! RiceBowl.


Halo Hong Kong

Halo Hong Kong is a Hong Kong cuisine restaurant located near the office of Free and Safe Indonesia. Its authentic taste is suitable for all palates. They provide catering for events or programs that we organize.


Krida Permai Farm

They are established since 1993 and have specialised in supplying fresh farm eggs. They have expanded to over 9 hectares of land with 20+ chicken houses, 250k+ chickens and 8 tons+ egg production per day. They donated eggs for Free and Safe every month until we could save around 5 to 6 million Rupiah per month just to supply eggs for consumption in our Transition Home and program needs.


Ortuseight is an Indonesian sport manufacturing company based in the Tangerang, Indonesia and it was established in 2018 which produces sports shoes and jerseys. Ortuseight’s company name is PT. Vita Nova Atletik


InterCambio Express is a money transmitter company specializing in wiring money to Mexico, Central America, South America and the Caribbean.

Apa yang dapat kamu lakukan

Berikan bantuan finansial

Menjadi mitra finansial

Mereka tidak menyebut ini 'hadiah dari memberi' tanpa alasan. Bersama kita dapat melakukan hal yang luar biasa! Kami memiliki jaringan dan kemauan untuk bekerja setiap hari untuk memberikan kesempatan kedua bagi yang membutuhkan, tetapi kami membutuhkan dukungan finansial untuk melakukannya. Di area itulah Anda dapat membantu. 


Donasi setiap bulan bisa dimulai dari nominal berapa saja. Bahkan untuk harga satu gelas kopi setiap minggu, Anda telah memulai melakukan kebaikan bagi Indonesia.

Bahan pasokan

Bantu kami dengan kebutuhan materi kami

Jika Anda berbasis di Indonesia dan memiliki keinginan untuk mendukung kami dengan cara yang berbeda, Anda dapat mempertimbangkan untuk membantu kami dengan kebutuhan materi kami. Ini selalu berubah, tetapi kami yakin kami dapat menemukan hal yang tepat untuk Anda.

Ayo jadi sukarelawan!

Datang dan ubahlah sebuah kehidupan.

Apakah organisasi Anda memiliki kelompok yang ingin melakukan sesuatu yang baik, dan bersenang-senang pada saat yang sama? Datanglah ke Bandung dan bantu yayasan kami. Kami selalu kekurangan tangan dengan segala yang kami lakukan; pelatihan, kelas bahasa Inggris, meningkatkan Rumah Transisi.

‘Week without walls’ by BAIS

‘Week without walls’ by BAIS

They call it 'Week without walls'. An annual program from an international school, BAIS, where deliberately free up 1 week to serve the city and community instead of studying in a classroom. All students at school will be divided into several groups and each group...

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Free and Safe FC joined Super Tournament

Free and Safe FC joined Super Tournament

Free and Safe FC is our Foundation football team represented by the boys who are part of our program (Rikzar & Feri). They participate in good-level tournaments called Super Tournament 2023 ⚽ and our team made it into the top 8! Last Saturday at 8 am, Free and...

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The Boys went to Tangkuban Perahu

The Boys went to Tangkuban Perahu

The boys went to Tangkuban Perahu Mount with a group from America! To get there, they need to walk down a long flight of stairs, but it all pays off. The view was amazing, there are forests and valleys. They also soak their feet in a pool of hot water while also...

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Psychological Counseling for The Boys

Psychological Counseling for The Boys

The boys who joined FSI program are being given psychological counseling with professionals from our partner @get.kalm to help manage their mental health. Kak Exa from @get.kalm who provides psychological guidance for the boys creates a comfortable counseling...

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Free and Safe Indonesia