Center of Hope

Hope is a word that touches our hearts. There are so many women and children that end up wasting their lives because they feel that their future is hopeless. But we believe that is not true, because God always gives each of us a second chance which means there is still hope.

This year Free and Safe rented one of the houses near the Transition Home. This new house is called Center of Hope. It is a place where we hope that in the future more women and children will find hope again through every program held in this house.

We have been doing several programs at the Center of Hope for 1 month and the enthusiasm, especially from the residents who live around the Center of Hope, is extraordinarily remarkable.

Our early activities were introductions to the surrounding communities. After that, we hold classes on learning how to read, English classes for children, and ceramic classes for mothers. These activities run regularly every week.

May Center of Hope be a safe home, furthermore, give new colors and hope to everyone.


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